In the hands of Lorenzo quinn
Internationally-renowned artist, Lorenzo Quinn, in conjunction with London's Halcyon Gallery, hosted an exhibition and unveiling of a new, commissioned piece at BL Harbert's International office.
Partnered with BL Harbert's International Group Marketing Coordinator to create a Save-the-Date for an exhibition of works by internationally-renowned artist Lorenzo Quinn. The challenge was to create excitement for the event in the voice and tone of his work, while avoiding direct representation of them.
Partnered with BL Harbert's International Group Marketing Coordinator to create a Save-the-Date for an exhibition of works by internationally-renowned artist Lorenzo Quinn. The challenge was to create excitement for the event in the voice and tone of his work, while avoiding direct representation of them.
graphic save-the-date
graphic save-the-date

Emailable Save-the-Date for Lorenzo Quinn's state-side exhibition and unveiling of new works.



The Force of Nature III

Hand of God

Four Loves